May 19, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: The Funk

My Mind is Full Monday's - May 19th, 2014
..."I don't know, I'm just in a funk."

Famous words used by us all at times that we can't describe what the hell is gong through our minds, our bodies and our lives. That's how I am feeling lately with a lot of things but something I've really been practicing is...

focus on the good and focus on the now.

When starting a company,  it's so easy to get wrapped up in someone else's middle and sit back in discouragement. "How the hell do I get there, why am I not there..." but you can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

I've also learned it goes the same for your personal life...

"Why don't I have this or that, how come they are so popular, what am I doing wrong, why am I not more social or personable, when do I get that success?" You can jam so much in your head that makes your trip up when you haven't even pushed yourself to start. From starting a company, finding a new hobby, a new career or starting to work on yourself to become a better cannot compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

Keep grinding your hardest with tunnel vision on whatever goal it may be. I still get tripped up but when I trip, I laugh and take it as a lesson to be learned and spin it into something positive.

I may not be the most personable human.
I may be an inverted awkward broad in social settings.
I may be starting a company that's not where I want it to be right now.
I may look at Beyonce's calmness in the elevator and say damn, that's how it's done.
I may look at myself in the mirror and see impatience pouring out of my skin but I have learned...

focus on the good and focus on the now. 

Don't kill yourself over what you see as small progression or the time it takes to reach a goal, know that you are one of the few that are actually following a goal you have set for yourself and are pushing your comfort zone to the side.

So that "funk" that we got isn't really a funk at all, it's you pushing and growing into the human, career, goal achiever you never knew you would actually pursue and be. You got this, we got this - let's do it.


  1. I can totally relate to your blog post. I always have to remind myself that it takes time to achieve large goals even though my brain seems to be in a constant rush to reach the finish line. I think the 3 best rules to follow are: (1) Decide what you want. (2) Write it out & set deadlines. (3) Follow through no matter what anyone else does, says, or thinks.

    1. I agree with you but when I set super specified deadlines, I feel like I am setting myself up for failure (that's just me though). I list the year I want to accomplish my goals in - that way, if it doesn't happen by June or September...I won't be so hard on myself because I know that I just wanted to accomplish it in the year stated. Not a specific date.

    2. I totally agree. It doesn't matter as much that the deadline is on a specific day or month or year, the setting of the deadline is what matters most. The fact that you've decided that this is important enough to do, and identified what needs to happen goes a long way towards getting it done and establishing who you want to become. Like Texans say "Get-er-done"...haha... I'm from nyc but am in Austin at the moment soaking up the vibe, so pardon the lingo...but I dunno...tricky thing for me sometimes is finding the appropriate goal to set a deadline for. Have you ever come across that in your work?

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