April 28, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: Adult Growing Pains

My Mind is Full Monday's - April 28th, 2013
Starting a business makes me feel like I'm in kindergarten learning how to write but I don't even have teacher over my shoulder helping me or grading my work.

As most of you may or may not know, I am a baker and dessert table designer who is planning on being the Beyonce of that area but right now I'm feeling like a Michelle (sorry Michelle #youreasurvivor). There is so much to learn and so many different articles to read about starting a home-based baking business - it's all super overwhelming. 

I feel like throwing in the towel most to times which leads to me continuously justifying my procrastination. Why do I procrastinate? Because I'm scared.

You know all the things you talk about doing but make yourself busy with survival mode so you don't actually do them? That's what I did consistently but for a while now that excuse has been one that I'm not allowed to use (entered embarrassed emoji here)...I took the leap of quitting my full time job and dedicating myself to Tickle Me Sweet but I'm scared shitless. I'm scared to succeed, terrified to fail, always wondering what possible customers are thinking about my business,  consistently thinking about why I'm not getting as much work as I thought I was going to, worried about how my creativity will come off (been there done that to people), doubting my talent, feeding my fears and stressing out about getting all the proper licenses, permits and certifications.

I realized that being scared is just adult growing pains that will eventually fade but suck at the moment you have them. I'm sore mentally by stretching my motivation, drive, determination, goals, dreams and following my passion. I also realized by consistently thinking of all the negatives and why my business isn't working - I'm attracting all the not's, won't's and blahs to myself and my passion.

I have to endure the growing pains and know that they are only temporary if I force through them. The more I hold back, the more they will linger because if you are stunting your own growth...who else is to blame?

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