March 3, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: Take it Easy

My Mind is Full Monday's - March 3rd, 2014
As I sit here with my morning coffee while I paint my toes, I look out to what I get to call my backyard after the rain has cleared and took a deep breath - I am blessed. We are all blessed...but we are all completely (for the most part) stress cases at one point or another in our lives.

Take it easy. 

That's something I've had to learn and work hard at because it is easier said than done. You can waste negative energy on something that will come and go so much more easily than on being positive on what you have or what you are grateful for. Isn't that strange?

I feel as human beings we have been wired to compare ourselves, battle with our insecurities and down play our triumphs. We have a catch 22 when it comes to being happy - we are happy then realize we are happy so we must find something to bring us back down if even for a moment...or you are happy then you find something to stress out about and you're back to this negative realm that is your comfort zone. Now this could be just me but I've seen it too many times with so many others to think I'm alone on this one.

Another thing I've noticed is how people get so stressed about what they cannot control whether it be the weather, something someone posted, something someone said, if it's windy, how someone else's life is, how good they have it, how fake they may be or whatever judgement you may pass. You stress out about what is not in your control, isn't that strange too?

Take it easy. 

Remember that you can only control you (I said it last week), do not stress on what is out of your control, ask yourself if you have a problem at this very instant, be present, dream big and kick ass.

Happy Monday you guys, talk to you Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! This is so big that it needs to be reread several times. The "no to people" is so hard but so needed. My wife's family stresses her out and makes her cry often and she is told she HAS to keep a relationship with them because they are Family. Bullshit! Her family is miserable and inside they hate that she is happy and try to bring her down. Yes, even parents. I know that it is easier said than done but I told her to wash her hands of her family until they can be happy with themselves and stop bringing her down.
