February 10, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: Creating Your Own Happiness

My Mind is Full Monday's - February 10th, 2014
I feel like I'm back in school. You know...when you had a lesson in each subject you were taking each week? Well last week I was put to the test with the famous "creating your own happiness" dealio.

Only. You. Create. Your. Own. Happiness.

Six simple words that I never really practiced up until now - literally yesterday.

You see, with this whole pursuing becoming your own boss, starting a company and trying to gain clientele it can really beat you down and make you take it out on people that you love or maybe the part time job you are working. For me, it makes me super moody when I feel like I want to retreat back into my comfort zone shell and I'm internally pulling myself out of the shell but at the same time trying to crawl back into it.

So with this catch 22 comes my moodiness that makes me over analyze every single thing thats in my life and well lets just say, I become an uncalled for royal brat. In my head, the world is out to get me when I start that battle of internal push and shove so I look at every single detail of any and everything that comes into my life. I inspect it, break it down, tear it apart, slam it back together, rip it in half then blame the person sitting next to me for breaking it and start to cry. {equivalent to a three year old} While I do this, I have this one human in my life that listens to all my bullshit, wipes the tears from my eyes, deals with my mood swings,  lets me be dramatic while never becoming moody themselves but once I think I'm making such a good point to why they are in the wrong and I am justified to have a pity party ...they said, "only you create your own happiness".

Strangely, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Right when they said that my instant thought reaction was, "but you are the one that makes me happy..."

Then came the wow Rachel, you hold other people accountable for your happiness.

I sit and wait for someone else to come over to the mess I made and cried over to clean it up, fix it and hug me. And we all know that's not how life works...

Now maybe some of you have known that or have experienced that before but I'm twenty three and I just learned this lesson. I've always known about it but never had that moment of happiness clarity.

I hustle in so many other areas of my life to keep me busy that once I have a moment of silence, I look for someone else to keep me busy...aka leaning on someone to make me happy so I don't need to think or try since I use the excuse, "I don't have time for this" so often.


I'm making a huge change by recognizing I haven't been creating my own happiness and that I am going to start creating an abundance of it within all I do. 

What are you going to change this week? What are you going to make abundant in your life that you may be lacking? Let's chat rmetz28@gmail.com 

Happy Monday everyone, stay happy. 

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