November 11, 2013

myMindisFull Monday's: Forgotten Yourself?

Well hello again, I wanted to extend a thank you to all my readers who emailed, commented, liked my Instagram snap shot of a very honest and open post last Monday. Sometimes I get discouraged, scared and nervous that either a) no one reads this and the government is having a field day of office humor, b) people read this and just critique my grammar or c) the numbers that I see on the back end of my blog are coming from party of one over here {me} hitting the refresh button. Last Monday I got an overwhelming response from women all around and I am so grateful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now let's just dive in, shall we?

My Mind is Full Monday's - November 11th, 2013
Have you ever been so consumed by your day to day tasks that you have lost yourself? You wake up every morning, do your routine, get home, lay in bed then you wake up a year later on your birthday and make some resolutions that you'll never do? And then do it all again?

You ever hear yourself catching up with friends but you've dominated the whole conversation with some nonsense that doesn't even have to do with how your friend is doing? {guilty}

You ever make a vow to workout or do yoga and stick to it for a couple days then one trip to the couch, a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and it's all over? {obviously guilty}

You ever become so submerged into a new job, new boyfriend, new hobby, a new place you moved to, a new school, a new friendship, a new hardship that has recently come up that that's all you know then you step back and where the hell is everyone?

Guilty, guilty and guilty. 

I've lost me, I've lost me recently but not in a bad way. More so that I have been so focused on making something of myself, making some money some how to pay the bills, writing down dreams and focusing all my energy onto what I want in my future, what I want to accomplish and have. Now this isn't a bad thing BUT I've been doing that so much that I don't talk or visit with my family as much as I should, I don't workout like I used to, I'm scrolling through my phone when I should be snuggled up with the man I love after it's been a long day, I barely reach out to my friends and damn, do I feel shitty writing that all out...

There are millions of blogs that touch on probably everything I have written about so far, so if this is just blog diarrhea to you - my sincerest apologies. The reason I brought this is up because it made me think, "what simple ways can you find yourself again" whether you lost yourself for a year, for a month or even a day. {but at the same time of finding yourself, reminding yourself with what is important and don't lose touch with it}

Many of my readers have children and I have the upmost respect for you girls! #mommypower Your life isn't about you for a while once you have little ones and again that's not bad at all! But what can you do to catch some alone, this is me, oh hey there I'm still a human not just a mommy under all this love and care I'm wrapping around this mini human?  Obviously being a mother is the most amazing gift in the world but I would like one of you to tell me I'm wrong when sometimes you just need an hour to relax and have to yourself? {now this may be a no brainer so take it as a reminder!} While they are napping, do your nails, your hair, your make up -it's amazing what little TLC to yourself will do for the rest of your day, take a bath with bubbles and feel like your five again, get lost in a book or if you like writing get creative, do a simple DIY or bake, cook, grill! Do something productive to your mind, your body, your spirit and your day! I don't mention zone out on the TV because that's not doing anything for anyone unless you have the power to turn off the Real Housewives and Kardashian's and flip on a documentary - I do not {guilty}. While you do this though, think about who you haven't reached out to in awhile, a family member you haven't talked to that you used to be so close with, a friend that you haven't had lunch with lately - while you are "finding" yourself, keep your relationships alive!

For my ladies that are going to school and working their asses off on the side, on that day off of yours instead of studying for twelve hours of the day, study for eleven and go outside for an hour! Stretch in the sun and just lay down with some music - I don't say meditate because I haven't been able to master that quite yet but if you can, #meditateitgirl! Again do something productive for your mind, body, soul and day! {don't just go out and party when you have a free night, even though I'm guilty with that as well} Add something substantial to your life aside from the nights you can barely remember and acquaintances that last for a week.

Point of this Monday's post is simply a reminder - take a break to keep your sanity! But make sure your breaks are meaningful! Find yourself, remind yourself and follow through with yourself by keeping what's important to you alive.

These are my ways to find myself again when I start to lose touch of what's important. By taking a break, I remind myself of my family, friends and loved ones I let fall by the waist side for a minute...then after my break is done, I make sure I follow through to keep what is important to me thriving that I was letting lack a bit.

What do you do to find yourself again? How do you remind yourself of what is important when you get caught up with your current situation? Let me know at, here's a fantastic week!


  1. I just stumbled across your blog. I am 23 too and you inspire me with all you have accomplished, having your own business and all. I think that is awesome and something to be very proud of! I'm a student, and at times I get myself caught up with studying and being so focused on school work that I forget to do something for myself on those long days. Thank you for putting it out there that were not all perfect and each day is a day to learn how we can improve our lives and better ourselves for the future. Thank you Rachel for putting yourself out there your an inspiration girl!

    1. Wow thank you very much! Thank you for following - hopefully it only grows and I can continue to inspire with my stories. Means a lot to me that you've read.
