December 27, 2013

DIY-ing over: Balloons for Love

I am obsessed with doing DIY's and surprising the people I love any way that I can. So when my boyfriend was away on a trip, I obviously took advantage of putting a little something together to remind him just how much he means to me.

I am pretty over the cliché "52 Reasons Why I Love You" with the deck of cards so I put something similar together....this isn't super mushy, girly or romantically overwhelming for your significant other.

Balloons for Love
 DIY-ing time: about 2 hours if you focus

You will need balloons, paper of your choice, markers, scissors and tape.

1. Choose how many balloons you are going to do and why
I did 23 for the 23 years I can't believe I went without him - can you say drama queen?
2. Write as many reasons as balloons you've chosen and spruce it up with some color
I also included "Reasons #: 5,293,124" to add even more drama, ha.
3. Tape the reasons to the balloons
I color coordinated and made them eye level. 
4. Optional - you can add a note to explain what the surprise means before they see it
He has this bitchin' mirror that I could write on with dry erase markers.
You are all set for the surprise, let them walk into it and see what happens next.
Happy Friday guys!

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