January 6, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: Why the hell not?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin My Mind is Full Monday's - January 6th, 2014
I should be asking myself and you guys what our New Year's resolutions are, right? What we plan on doing and sticking to for a couple weeks or actually accomplishing all the way through, the gym memberships we buy, the vitamins we plan to take, the cigarettes some plan to put down and the sweets {NEVER!} people will put aside.

That's the norm...but you don't come here to read this for the norm and I sure as hell don't write the norm - well at least I hope I don't.

I can sit here and blow smoke up your asses and tell you how I plan to work out every day, eat healthy all the time, cuss less, watch more documentaries, hike more, get up and get ready for the day rather than stay in sweats while I work from the computer. Yeah, I could totally tell you that and those are things I would love to do but in reality...I'm a procrastinator and I like napping.

So rather than making a New Year's resolution that once I fall off the wagon I feel like an even bigger pile of crap; I asked myself, "what are you going to do that your scared of? And you will ACTUALLY DO."

That led to a new found mentality that 2014 has brought upon me, "wait, why the hell not?"
Why the hell not stay consistent with my blog, baking, diy-ing and instagramming sweets? Why not? Sure they don't get as many views as I'd like but I'm doing this because I love it, not for the double taps and the internet popularity. {guilty: I have to remind myself of that quite often} Remember people: double taps and followers ain't dollars so don't get so discouraged like I have been.

Do it because you love it, the rest will follow!

I am here to tell you I am going to be scared in all I do because it's new, it's different and outside my comfort zone but hey...
I am going to try a lot of new things this year with my business and put myself out there completely - that is what I am going to do and I will ACTUALLY do it. 

What are you going to do? Comment below or email me at rmetz28@gmail.com to tell me how you are going to do one thing that scares you. Can't wait to hear from you guys! 

Don't forget to like Tickle Me Sweet on Facebook, subscribe in the right hand column and follow me on Pinterest and Instagram @tickle_me_sweet

Here is to a new year and scaring the shit out of yourself with getting outside your zone! 

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