January 12, 2012

Late night cookie...ing

So I'll be the first to admit, I've been away in my own world for a minute but have no fear, Rachel is here? Well none the less I am back! BOOM, POW...confetti, glitter and whatever else that involves me having a dramatic entrance in your imagination.

How you doing in 2012 so far? Need something sweet in your life? ....let me answer that for you, YES YOU DO always and forever, sugar makes the world go round! Duh. The gym that I work at was under construction for two weeks so as any other mentally healthy individual would do... I went into a corner, rocked back and forth while I counted down the hours until I was back to my normal schedule again. The night before my first shift back I decided to give my gym members a "I'm back! Here's a healthy kick start to 2012" by baking them some oatmeal cookies with Hersey kiss chocolate.

Here's the break down:
I was about to go to bed but I was craving cookie dough which we all know is extremely healthy for a bed time snack. On top of that I saw oatmeal flakes, Hersey kisses and had my fabulous aunt walking out of the kitchen saying "you should bake something for the gym tomorrow...." so it was on like Donkey Kong. I whipped up the energy and whipped out the ingredients, I was a mad woman.

Hank was a huge help with the begging, can't you tell? How can you resist this face? As much as I wanted to put down the bowl and let him have it, I didn't. I had to resist since chocolate supposedly kills dogs but this dude put down 20 chocolate cupcakes a couple months ago and survived. Super dog in the living fur.

Here are a couple pictures of the end result! Enjoy!

Happy 2012 and yes, ofcourse I had to have one!


  1. ok, the pictures are great and the commentary even better.... but reading and looking are just hurting my taste buds. I would appreciate if you placed the largest cookie available in the freezer for me until the next time I'm up for a visit. Then I will look and eat. Please and thank you.

  2. Number one: I miss you, the baby and my uncle
    Number two: Send me a recipe and I'll perfect it just for you!
    Number three: That is a bribe for you to come down soon

    Love and miss you, thank you for the comment.
