December 15, 2011

'Tis the Season!

Messy was not in my vocabulary. I am a huge neat freak but baking definitely punched me in the face with reality that flour, sugar and powdered sugar cannot be contained.  Every time I begin a new adventure with a recipe, the kitchen looks like Jumanji roamed on through....and last night Jumanji was all up in the kitchen.

I never mind getting messy with my dear friend Katrina though! We had a gingerbread cookie night where we rolled, baked and decorated to our hearts content. (also made probably the biggest mess I've ever seen) All was well until we started decorating, we both felt like five year olds again and got giddy.

Some of the frosting wasn't working to our advantage, sprinkles exploded and gingerbread men's heads were falling off. Every cookie we frosted was getting eaten five seconds later! So here are some pictures of the survivors.
During this holiday season, I picked up a quick and easy recipe from "Created by Diane". They are gingerbread cheesecake bites, could you die? The link above  leads you right to her page and the recipe that made me eat about 50 mini cheesecakes in a matter of three seconds. I hope you enjoy!

Happy baking!

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