March 31, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: No More Bull...

My Mind is Full Monday's - March 31st, 2014
I realized I've only been posting these Monday posts but that changes this week - I promise.

I feel like right when things are finally grooving when following my dream, some kind of test always pops up (hey, that's life right?). Whether it be doubt consuming me again, getting a part time job to pay some bills even when I've preached not to do it, taking care of the people I love and pushing my dream to the side since that's priority, my gun-ho dwindling then realizing I'm slipping and getting sad about can be a plethora of things at any given time obviously. BUT the given time seems to be when I'm feeling super stoked about how pursuing my passion is going.

Lately, I've been a royal baby and making excuses for the things that I've let lack in my life from family time to focusing on baking - I've excused it all. Sorry to be blunt but it's time for...

No more bullshit.

I'm tired. I'm pass the point of exhaustion but I've let that take over my life, love, happiness, energy, focus, drive, motivation and surpass my limits on all fronts of my life. I hate the person who I've become lately and I'm ready to kick them out of my life.

I'm ready to ask my mental roommate to get the hell out and that's why I wanted to write. We all have that inner roommate that feeds into EVERY SINGLE ONE of our insecurities, fears and doubts - that is why we talk ourselves in and out of things all the time (or justify things that happen in our lives or sulk in things that do or don't happen).

You read that write - we have to talk ourselves in and out of decisions, we weigh our options and ask our own selves what the hell to do then have a mental argument about it then decide which side wins.

I'm exhausted by my inner roommate, are you? Let's kick them out together, let's not give them 30 days notice and just evict their asses.

No more bulls$%@ people, let's get ourselves back. 
I'm ready.


  1. �������� well said defiantly can relate love it Rachel !

  2. I have one of those roommates too! Thanks for showing me I'm not alone in this dream and in the challenges of starting my own business while holding down a job, and friends and everything else happening in life. :)
