January 13, 2014

myMindisFull Monday's: Tomorrow

My Mind is Full Monday's - January 13th, 2014
Let's get right into it.

Tomorrow has been a favorite word of mine for quite some time now but I no longer want it to be a part of my vocabulary!

Some examples I've listed below but let's be honest, we know I could write a million of them:

My diet starts tomorrow
I'll work out tomorrow
I need to go to the bank tomorrow
Tomorrow, I'll wake up early.
I'll go get groceries tomorrow

For some reason, tomorrow has gotten under my skin. I don't like tomorrow and I don't like that I use that to enable my procrastination, if I say tomorrow...I most likely didn't give it a time...so if it doesn't get done then.......whoops.

NO! Wrong Rachel, all wrong.

I wrote a while back about how we all have excuses {read it here} and obviously never followed through with that post 100%. I had an epiphany yesterday that I've been saying "tomorrow" for basically my whole life and then some after I wrote that post, congrats to me?

I told my boyfriend that I wanted to get up early "tomorrow" and snoozed my alarm until 11 AM. When I woke up, I was so frustrated with myself that it put me in a foul mood. Between you and I, I'm already a bitch and a half when I wake up so I was like a bat out of hell times ten when I rolled out of bed. ANWAY! I felt useless, I just kept thinking "you said tomorrow you'll wake up early and you couldn't even do that, what the hell is wrong with you?" It ate me alive all day so much that I couldn't shake myself out of my bad mood. I took it out of my cake pops, my oven, the dishes, my errands I had to run and my rushed schedule all because I couldn't wake the hell up. I even gave my boyfriend the silent treatment for no reason but the fact I was a grump because I was beating myself up.

Then my boyfriend said something so simple that changed my whole perspective on how I've been acting lately. He said...

"If your hand is in fire, you are not just going to leave it there, stare at it and tell yourself you are fine while it keeps burning are you? No, you're going to solve the problem by taking your hand out of the fire." 

Babe, thank you.

I've realized that tomorrow has been a word I use because I am afraid of commitment, terrified of failure and I don't want to do something and it not have an impact on anything or anyone. I get scared of what people think when I post up something about my blog on my instagram and since I'm not half naked doing duck lips, people unfollow me.

THEN I ALSO REALIZED - what would Beyonce do?

Did she make her album according to what people like? No.
Did she say tomorrow about her album being out? No.
Did she tailor her visual album to appease people? No.

Beyonce doesn't do things tomorrow she does them now and in a moment's notice, she doesn't do things to please people, she doesn't second guess herself and tell her assistant to move it to tomorrow {unless it's a lunch date with Mrs. Obama that had to be pushed to tomorrow because she had a concert to do and can't meet her until she flies her private jet back to have some girl time, then there is a tomorrow}. But you know damn well that she does everything and anything that's on her list and in her head in an instant.

I use tomorrow because I second guess myself, I try to please people sometimes and I don't want to be looked at in a weird way for trying to become a boss on my own and leave my legacy.

I have crazy dreams, high hopes, detailed visions and burning desire to accomplish it all and then some. Tomorrow is now a thing of the past to me and I am doing it now, today, in a moment's notice and right at this second.

You see, I thought I was dialing my mentality in and I was getting a hold on things with pursuing my passion, not worrying about the how and focusing on the what....but I had this little comfort zone word of "tomorrow" that kept molding my mind, business and visions on hold. Now that I've recognized this, I am going to pull my hand out of the fire and solve my problem.

Goodbye tomorrow, hello right now.

What are your comfort zone words that you want to get rid of? Email me rmetz28@gmail.com and let's chat xo. 

Happy Monday everyone, let's get to work.


  1. I never thought of the word tomorrow like that... you are extremely right stop thinking of what you'll do tomorrow and have a mind set of what you'll do right now!!!

  2. I Love that definition of tomorrow!! I used it on my conference call at work Monday, so thanks ;)
    I've been meaning to go see my dad but I kept putting it off saying I will go "tomorrow". He has been begging me to go to Jordan with him so he could show me where he grew up, but it was always, "next month" "next year".
    He died of a heart attack last year.
    What's worse than the pain of him passing away is the fact that I kept putting him off till...tomorrow.
    How arrogant of me to think that I can control my tomorrow or to think he or I have a tomorrow!
    I'm not so arrogant anymore.
