November 18, 2013

myMindisFull Monday's: Be Happy

My Mind is Full Monday's - November 18th, 2013
Why do we sacrifice so much of our time to being in a survival mode rather than pursuing what makes you happy? Why do you stay in that relationship that you always complain about? Why do you just "get by" when you've always heard that if you truly aim for something bigger than yourself and you have unwavering faith that you'll most like succeed and live a fulfilled life of love and happiness? Why do people choose the lesser than the greater?  

Because those people are scared. They are scared to step outside their comfort zone, they may feel dumb for doing something that makes them happy and not getting a paycheck or maybe they are so used to routine that they have become completely comfortable and don't want to budge or maybe "they don't have time" to do what makes them happy every now and then. I hear things like "I have a good life, I get by" or "I barely see anyone I work so much" or "if I didn't have my weekends, I wouldn't know what to do with myself" or "I'm happy with how things are right now" the hell is that any fun? Are you really happy? 

Now I'm not an expert on pursuing your passion because I am still figuring that out for myself but right now, I'm not even talking about pursuing your passion - I am talking about being happy

Set all the just getting by, survival mode, job you hate but you do anyways aside and ask yourself...what makes you happy? One thing on this journey of turning my passion into my legacy that I've come across is happiness...true happiness. I don't have money, I can't pay my bills and people preach all day long to me about how I'm messing up my credit but you know what? I can sort that out later but putting my happiness to the side to pay the, that can't be sorted out later.

Such a simple thing in life that many think they have {and you may hate me right now} but most do not have it. Happiness is loving your life, living in the moment and embracing whatever comes your way at any given time. Basically it's practicing what everyone!!! preaches. Now no matter how often you like a quote on Pinterest, screen shot an Instagram quote to save to make your background on your phone or post those famous quotes of inspiration...that won't give you happiness.

You need to take it in your own PHYSICAL hands.

We cannot control outside forces...I'm sure you all know that by now but do your feelings match that brutal fact of life? When you are late for work or your significant other forgets something you said or you sit a certain way and see a new roll appear, does your frustration consume every inch of you?

Because I'll be honest...before I found true happiness, my emotions swallowed my entire being at a drop of a dime.

A tire popped - pissed.
Late for work - pissed.
Red light on my way to work that I'm late for - pissed.
Tripped while walking - pissed.
Someone laughing that wasn't me - pissed.
People don't respond to my texts quick enough - even more pissed.

If ONE thing went wrong, nothing made it right and I was like that for a while. Please tell me I'm not the only one!

So where does this mumbo jumbo lead to? It leads to BE HAPPY, like really happy...not the whole complain, bitch and moan because it's too cold outside even though you can't control it and then that leads to you thinking of stuff in your past all the time but your life is so amazing happy but truly sit back and think...what the hell makes you at peace? In bliss? In love with life? Then do it.

I promise you when you do what makes your happy {no matter how little or big you think it is} you will start to let go of all these reflex feelings that make your "bad days" bad days.

I'm here to say that whether walking your dog and talking to them like they are human makes you happy, singing as loud and as off note as possible makes you happy, drawing even though you don't think you're any good makes you happy, attempting yoga even though you have no idea how to makes you happy or shaking a tamberine in a band makes you happy...DO IT.

Don't try to make that happiness a chore though, let it be natural and when you are ready. I worked at a lot of places and knew I was unhappy but never did anything about, I baked when I was booked for it on the side and it became a chore to me...I left my job for a weekend in Europe on a whim because something just told me "do it."

So now I'm here saying to remember that you can't control outside forces but you can control your mind and your mind wants you to be happy - so do whatever it is that provides that feeling whenever you can and start being happy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ...I'm at a Charger game a couple weeks ago and I stop a guy walking by because the girl on his sweatshirt looks familiar :)
    I decided to look you up and I have to say I'm so proud of you and all you're accomplishing-although I'm not at all surprised because you've always seemed to have the drive.
    Thanks for the uplifting blog! People need it, even if it's only a few readers! (for now). It seems like people have forgotten how to be happy. I realized that happiness is like love and takes a conscious effort and it's not only a reactive emotion we feel.
    Secondly, a compliment to you. Even before the blog, you were an inspiration to me and you didn't even know it. I'm a naturally happy person, but I was in a rut and had lost my motivation and passion for pretty much everything (except alcohol and football). Then I saw this girl that would tell me about how she went to the gym, then went to school, then worked a long shift serving with a smile to a bunch of probably annoying customers. She would also tell me about her career path and even when it would change multiple times :) she would always be "full steam ahead!". It made me envious and reflect on how I used to have that kind of drive and motivation and wondered where it went.
    I am now back to the old me so I want to thank you for walking the walk even before you talked the talk.
    An old friend

    1. Wow, I wish you could see the smile on my face right now :) I must've told you a million and one things I wanted to do or what my latest and greatest idea was so many times ha! How embarrassing! It's crazy to read an old friend see that back then then to write it here because he saw me on a sweater, I'm pretty sure I know who you are and that makes my heart even warmer and if I'm right, you always supported me through every wacky idea or new deal I was on or into. You made not only my week but my month! The girl I was then was a hustler on survival mode but now I've taken a leap of faith and FINALLY taken action with one of the millions of ideas I have had for a long time but never had the balls. Thank you so much for this, I don't think you understand how deeply that touched me.
