May 13, 2013


Random fact: When I come home from a weekend with my family, I always have the gnarliest reality checks on the following Monday. For example this was my thought process as I sat at my desk this morning, "oh it isn't socially or professionally acceptable to drink red wine and eat brie by the block at my desk during hours of operation? #letmelive"

Yes I just hash tagged. No I did not drink on the job or stuff my face with an all cheese diet.


Happy belated Mother's day to all you fabulous mama's, I hope you guys had an incredible weekend. I had a fantastic Mother's day with my mom, brother and sister. So obviously this is isn't going to be about baking or any other avenue I love but this is something that moved me and I wanted to share with you guys. I wanted to share something my sister said to me that she picked up from my uncle while nannying for them...


Two words that have officially changed my life, mentality and my attitude.

When my sister said it under the circumstances of our conversation, the words slapped me in the face and woke my ass up. Last night around 1 AM, I dug through notes I jotted down when I tried the whole community college thing (side note: that relationship of school and I did not work out) but I was able to have some business notes that allowed me to find two definitions that stuck out to me involving risk and reward...
  1. Risk-Reward: a ratio investors use to compare the expected returns of an investment to the amount of risk undertaken to capture these returns
    • Don't you see this is also a ratio used by us being investors in our own life? Taking an amount of risk we see fit and then seeing what reward is returned to us by how much we risked? What will we invest in our life? Where will we invest the most? Is it worth it? Will we lose it all or will we even end up risking anything? How scary is that? It's terrifying for me personally,  thinking about putting everything I have worked for on the line to dedicate my life to a new avenue. Truthfully, that's why I talk about it because there is no risk in just words but there is an enormous amount of risk with the doing aspect and the follow through. 
  2. Risk/Reward Tradeoff: direct relationship between possible risk and possible reward which holds for a particular situation; to realize greater reward one must generally accept a greater risk, and vice versa. 
    • I ripped this out of my business spiral and taped it on my fridge. Take this out of the business world and apply it to your life, I feel like captain obvious over apologies, I am just super hyped while writing this.
Point blank: TAKE THE RISK.

Plain and simple, that is what I took away from my sister's wise words and brilliant breakdown. This can be with love, independence, being uncomfortable, pursuing a hobby, dedicating to a lifestyle...whatever is considered a risk to you, you will never know what reward you will get out of it if you don't take it! So stop caring about the what if's, if not's, if so's, who thinks, I'm not sure's, what if they's and just go for it!

I also have been immensely inspired by Joy from Wild Flowers Photography when she wrote about their new adventure to stop putting off their "happy life." Read it here, I promise you it is you'll thank me later and you'll end up falling inlove with her entire blog, family, mentality, photography and whatever else that woman decides to do.

Quote of the day: 
"So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" - Hunter S. Thompson

Until next time xoxo

1 comment:

  1. So great. Another one I found inspiring:
