September 5, 2012

The Shoe

A wise woman once told me, "The shoe will end up on the other foot at some point."

Even though we were a bottle of wine deep and it made no sense, some how that was all I needed. I realized that I got so caught up in my busy schedule, making others happy, a relationship and a puppy that I forgot the most important thing that kept me me, and kept me grounded - my family.

As my mom kept on with her famous Renism; my brother, sister and I were all over the place barely being able to breathe. It was in that moment that I caught my breath, poured more wine into my glass, cheered my mother and kept on poking fun at my brother that brought me back to reality.

This is what life is about, this is what happy is.

When my dad walked into the house and saw my mom's face as red as her wine, my brother throwing his hands up to what is going on and my sister with her infectious laugh - he didn't even skip a beat to join in.

They ignited my passion again and assured me that by starting a new adventure in life - it isn't giving up on something in your past, it's simply living for yourself.

So here I am back at it.

Cheers to what is to come, hope you look forward to my future posts.


  1. Wow.

    Some honest & raw writing here Rach. I feel your strengths building through your words. The fact that you realize this about your self is a huge step and the fact that you admit it is even more so...


    1. Thank you Mike! You have always supported me and I appreciate that. I will come visit soon and see what you have cookin up in the studio!

